Screenshot of the Fabled Glacier Black Bear Great One roaming the hills of Silver Ridge Peaks Reserve.

Community Updates

July 8, 2022

Hello, Hunters!

As far as weeks go, this one has been pretty smooth sailing.


In case you missed it:

Lead Game Designer, Troy Schram stopped by with some cool making-of insights and pictures of the Black Bear Great One for the developer diary we published on Monday;

On Tuesday’s stream, we played guessing games and gave away some Revontuli Coast DLC keys for Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation, and had a CHONK of fun with everyone who joined in.


Next week:

More giveaways! Join us on the Expansive Worlds’ YouTube and Twitch channels at 1800 CEST / 0900 PDT next Tuesday to take part.

Have a great weekend, everyone!



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