Hello, Hunters and welcome to the July 8 Community Updates!
As far as weeks go, this one has been pretty smooth sailing.
In case you missed it:
Lead Game Designer, Troy Schram stopped by with some cool making-of insights and pictures of the Black Bear Great One for the developer diary we published on Monday;
On Tuesday’s stream, we played guessing games and gave away some Revontuli Coast DLC keys for Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation, and had a CHONK of fun with everyone who joined in.
Next week:
More giveaways! Join us on the Expansive Worlds’ YouTube and Twitch channels at 1800 CEST / 0900 PDT next Tuesday to take part.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Community Updates Archive
That’s all of the July 8 Community Updates! Missed one of our previous posts? Simply dive into the archive using the links below!