A moose roaming the flark bogs of Revontuli Coast.

July 22 Community Updates

July 22, 2022

Howdy, Hunters and welcome to the July 22 Community Updates!

It’s been a fun week! We had a blast on Tuesday’s stream, gave away more Dolby Atmos subscription keys, published a new developer diary, and that’s not all:

We’ve updated the Known Issues List!

Our community and support teams have been busy making sure as much feedback as possible gets communicated back to the developers.

This includes your reports of crashes across all platforms. The team has identified the source, fixed the issue and is working to release a hotfix next week.

We’re also pleased to say that some additional community reports have already been resolved and will accompany the next major release! You can read more about them here.

The Call of the Wild: The Angler release date has been announced!

You can purchase this genre-defying fishing experience on PC via Steam, Microsoft Store, and Epic Games Store on August 31 for €29,99 / $29.99. Consoles will follow shortly afterwards.

Head to the website for more information!

Coming up:

The studio summer holidays have begun! We’re taking a break from community updates and streams for the next two weeks, but you’ll still see us floating about. Some of the team will still be working over this period, just in a lesser capacity.

In the meantime, happy hunting and we’ll catch you in August!

Community Updates Archive

Missed one of our regular Community Updates? Simply dive into the archive using the links below!

  • Engage with us and the wider community on Discord
  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more content
  • Report any bugs or issues here!