Modern Rifle Pack Release Notes

February 22, 2022

As teased in our recent fifth anniversary update post, the Modern Rifle Pack is available now! Read on to learn all about the new weapons and cosmetic effects contained in this must-have Call o the Wild DLC.

Modern Rifle Pack Features

The Modern Rifle Pack paid DLC comes with three new weapons, each with two cosmetic variations:

  • ZARZA-15 .22LR
  • ZARZA-15 .223
  • ZARZA-10 .308

Looking down the sight of a rifle towards a wild animal in a forest area of theHunter: Call of the Wild.

Celebrating theHunter: Call of the Wild’s fifth anniversary!

Along with the release of the Modern Rifle Pack, we’ve also got some special treats as part of Call of the Wild’s fifth anniversary celebrations!

  • Everybody will now be able to unlock a free special anniversary edition of the Rhino 454: the SUNDBERG 454. Just head to the in-game store, press “Purchase”, and it’s all yours. Ammunition for this weapon has also been unlocked for all to use. It still costs in-game money to unlock, but no weapon score is required.
  • Replaced some existing loading screens with some gorgeous key art!



  • Full rework of the animal home ranges, populations and schedules on Mississippi Acres Preserve, Vurhonga Savanna, Rancho Del Arroyo & Cuatro Colinas. This will boost the performance for users;

Graphics & Visual Effects

  • Implemented FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) on PC platforms which can be adjusted in Settings> Graphics> AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0, improving frame rate performance. For more information about FSR, visit the AMD website.
  • Improved sample pattern for SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion), improving shadows in the game;
  • Improved the floating death animation for the Alligator;
  • Third person animation setup has been revamped and most of the animations are improved;


  • New headline ‘Dog’ for dog related tutorial entries in Codex menu;
  • Scent eliminator HUD improvements including duration indicator;
  • Added Reticle to gameplay with different color variations. This helps aiming at objects for interactions, interacting with distant animal calls & spotting animals from a distance, and can help some players who experience motion sickness;
  • Added an option in Settings to adjust Subtitles font size;
  • Added option to remap Trophy Lodge inputs in Settings menu;


  • Increased sensitivity of gamepad & mouse for all 1x magnification devices including Red dot, aluminum iron sight, reflex sight & all 1x scopes for relevant weapons;
  • 10 point-to-point transport sites have been implemented along the riverbank in Mississippi Acres Preserve. At present, they won’t be visible on the map but that is something we will be addressing a little later this year. Just look for the boats!


  •  Full population resets will occur across Cuatro Colinas, Rancho del Arroyo, Mississippi Acres Preserve, and Vurhonga Savanna as a result of our optimization efforts. More information on this was mentioned above under Performance Improvements.
  • The male black bears have decided to spice things up a little and are now going by the following descriptors: Black > Dusty; Dark > Black; Dusty > Dark.
  • Updated the Medal icons designs on various screens;
  • Added swimming icon for animal clues that are underwater;
  • Geese cash rewards have been balanced to offset other fixes and harvest quantity.

Bug Fixes

Critical & Featured

  • Geese and Ducks will get attracted to callers;
  • Fixed LOD issues for the female Red Deer which caused some to appear invisible at varying distances until the character is within about 50m;
  • The Kullman .22H now provides a more appropriate bang for buck. The prices for the weapon and the ammo have also been slashed!

Animals & Environment

  • Common Raccoon is now Class 2 animal instead of Class 1;
  • Fixed an issue where disturbed vegetation was present near need zones only;
  • Fixed the instance where sometimes corpses seemed to float in air after being shot from a long distance;
  • The gates at Bingham Farms Mobile Home no longer levitate and fly around;

Weapons, Gear, & Character

  • Fixed the issue of First Aid Kit not healing when used;
  • Fixed an audio issue when switching between callers like Antler Rattler, Short Reed Canada Goose Caller;
  • Fixed the problem where item could not be switched until sound ended while using Deer Bleat Caller & Roe Deer Caller;
  • Fixed the issue of having infinite ammo if user kept firing while still in hip pose after running out of bullets;
  • Manual and auto chambering mechanics for the Mangiafico, .410 while loaded with the .410 birdshot, has been corrected;
  • The .270 Warden is now available for console players;
  • Arrows retrieved from the field return to the players storage instead of their inventory;

User Interface & Multiplayer

  • Fixed the issue with waypoints placement on Map on Ultrawide monitors;
  • Fixed the issue where Trophy lodge did not load for users other than the host in a MP session;
  • Fixed the incorrect icon for Dog biscuits on Inventory UI;
  • Updated & fixed Decoy icon not being displayed in the HUD;
  • Retrieved arrows will be available in the inventory now;
  • Cash amount will not show cut off in UI if the value has more than 6 digits;
  • Fixed the issue where multiple Turkey decoy POI markers were not being grouped together when placed very close to each other;
  • Fixed the problem of users not being able to hear each other’s callers audio for Red deer, Moose, Elk caller(s) during MP;
  • Fixed the issue of lures audio not working in MP;
  • Fixed the issue where Great ones appeared as Diamonds to users other than the host in Multiplayer session;
  • Geese caller will work for every player and not just the host in MP session;
  • Scrollbar will function properly for description of items in Mission items menu in Codex for Rancho del Arroyo reserve;


  • Fixed the issue of Tripod rotating sound being played while user is aiming sitting in tripod stand;
  • Multiple crash fixes;

Enjoying the new Modern Rifle Pack DLC? We’d love to hear from you on Steam! Having issues? Check our known issues list and reach out to our Support Team.