A scenic screenshot of a windmill on top of a hill in the Winter Update for theHunter Call of the Wild

The Winter Hotfix is Live!

December 10, 2024

Greetings Hunters!

The new Winter Hotfix has been released to resolve some of the bugs that have arisen since the launch of the Winter Update. Let’s take a look at everything it contains.

Developer’s Notes

  • Some players have had problems saving their game progress. If your game is on a PC, sometimes, Windows Security might stop you from reaching the Documents folder (that’s where your save files are). So you need to allow (or whitelist) your apps to access it. Plus, using Norton Anti-Virus may wrongly block parts of your save data thinking they are harmful. So, try to check your computer’s security settings to make sure they are not stopping the game from saving your progress. For more help, visit our support page.
  • A few players have pointed out that a picture of Florian Jansen, who is the key contact for Salzwiesen Park, can’t be found in the Codex. This is done on purpose. Florian values his privacy, and didn’t want his picture publicly available.

Bug Fixes


  • Decoys and callers associated with birds found in Salzwiesen Park which can also be found in other locations should now be available if the player only purchases Salzwiesen Park.


  • Upland birds such as Pheasants and Grouses should be more reactive to the threatening presence of players and dogs. They should also be better at trying to fly away when there’s no nearby available cover.
  • Waterfowl should be less wary again, and land more frequently.


  • The “Flush” command should now always display on the dog wheel when it is available for use.
  • Birds should be less wary of being pointed at by the dog.


  • When replacing existing trophies in a Trophy Lodge, the swapped trophies should appear normally again.


  • The game should no longer momentarily freeze or stutter when you shoot at a target on the shooting range with a shotgun loaded with birdshot.


  • Ground birds should react appropriately when flushed by a host.
  • Waterfowl should appear normally in Multiplayer games again.
  • The Clay Thrower should now be working well in Multiplayer.


  • The placement of the new Hunting Pressure Tooltip should now be away from other information boxes to prevent overlap.
  • PlayStation and Xbox users should now see the correct description for the German Shorthaired Pointer.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the error message displayed after aborting the purchase of a dog package from the Expert Hunting Dog menu couldn’t be closed without closing the entire menu.

Also check out the updated known issues list.