High Caliber Weapon Pack release date confirmed for March 12

February 27, 2024

Hello Hunters! Our Reserve Wardens have official confirmed the High Caliber Weapon Pack release date!

Featuring all-new weapons and cosmetics, the pack will be released on March 12 for 4.99 €/$. 


The High Caliber Weapon Pack includes three top-grade weapons, crafted for pure firepower and maximum range. You’ll also find five new cosmetics inside.

Now you can take down the biggest game from even greater distances, giving newcomers and veterans alike an increased variety of options while hunting.

What’s included: 

  • Arzyna .300 Mag Tactical The Arzyna .300 Mag Tactical offers stellar performance for both the hunter and marksman. Melding the flexibility of the AR platform with the long-range power of the .300 Magnum, it sets new standards in hunting and precision shooting.
  • .45-70 Jernberg Superior – The Jernberg Superior stands as the go-to rifle for sharpshooters and hunters alike thanks to its powerful single-shot, break-action design. Firing impressive .45-70 caliber rounds, and catering to custom needs with its adaptable scope mount, it’s more than a simple tool — it’s a testament to fine craftsmanship and precision.
  • Strandberg 10SA Executive – Whether you’re stalking prey in wetlands or participating in competitive shooting, the Strandberg 10GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun ensures unparalleled performance and reliability — every time.
  • 5 New Cosmetics: This pack also includes a sleek mix of exclusive Material and Camo cosmetics that can be applied to selected weaponry and gear in combination with other cosmetics in your inventory.

All purchased cosmetic items are accessible from your Weapons Cache at any outpost. Just use the in-game cash to apply a cosmetic across any owned weapon.


Releasing alongside High Caliber Weapon Pack, the free Pistol Packin’ Update brings a game-changing upgrade to the Revolvers with the introduction of the Speedloader.

We’re also expanding the cosmetic customization to Binoculars and Rangefinders. We’ve also adjusted Animal Classes for a few species to make your experience more persistent and predictable.

With all these thrilling enhancements lined up, make sure you’re subscribed and tuned into our social media channels to get the latest news!


Mark your calendars!

The Hunting Lodge live stream is rolling out every Tuesday at 6PM CET/12PM EST.

Join JaxyBeard as he explores the nooks and crannies of the new content. And guess what? We’re bringing along some surprise guests for an extra bit of fun during the release stream on March 12!

Take a peek behind the scenes

The Developer Diaries are back to give you even more insights on how your favorite hunting game is made!

We’ve called upon our designers and artists to offer an exclusive in-depth look into the creation of High Caliber Weapon Pack. Keep your eyes peeled on the official theHunter website very soon!

Calling all Creators!

Are you searching for a cool way to connect with your fans while bagging some great rewards for your community?

We’ve got you covered! We’re partnering once more with Dare Drop to bring you a dare-driven campaign filled with fun activities.

More information about when this Dare Drop event kicks off will be revealed soon!

In the meantime, make sure you’re keeping tabs on us through social media and signing up for theHunter: Call of the Wild newsletter. We’ll keep you in the loop with all fresh updates!

Join the official Discord

Share tips and tricks with fellow hunters and be informed when the latest news from the team drops! When you join our official Discord community, make sure to join theHunter: Call of the Wild community through the onboarding questions to see COTW-specific channels.

Happy hunting!